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New Intel-Based Laptops Advance All Facets of Notebook PCs
New Intel® Centrino® 2 Processor Technology Brings ‘HD-to-Go’; Adds Security and Manageability Features, Boosts Speed, ibm thinkpad z60t battery Life and Wireless Range
SAN FRANCISCO, July 15, 2008 – Intel Corporation unveiled its Intel® Centrino® 2 Processor Technology prod­ucts for lap­tops today, pow­ered by five new Intel® Core™2 Duo proces­sors. Close to 250 inno­v­a­tive con­sumer and busi­ness note­book PC designs are on the way, includ­ing those equipped with the right com­bi­na­tion of pow­er­ful proces­sors, graph­ics and ibm thinkpad t20 battery life to enjoy view­ing stun­ning high def­i­n­i­tion videos and myr­iad other com­puter and Internet activities.
Intel also intro­duced the world’s highest-performing dual-core mobile proces­sor, the Intel® Core™2 Extreme proces­sor run­ning at a brisk 3.06 GHz, as mea­sured by SPECint*_rate_base2006, an indus­try bench­mark (www.spec.org)**.
Rounding out a mobile-focused sum­mer for the com­pany, Intel said it also plans to unveil eight proces­sors within 90 days that will include first-ever mobile quad-core prod­ucts and second-generation prod­ucts for ultra-thin and light lenovo ideapad y550 battery. In total, Intel will bring 14 diverse new proces­sors into the mar­ket­place as lap­top sales con­tinue to out­pace desk­top PCs.
Formerly code­named Montevina, Intel Centrino 2 proces­sor tech­nol­ogy and Intel® Centrino® 2 with vPro™ Technology improve upon every facet of a laptop’s main fea­tures, includ­ing per­for­mance and bat­tery life via new proces­sors and chipsets, faster draft 802.11n wire­less (toshiba pa3356u-2bas battery), and new business-class man­age­abil­ity capabilities.
“When we first intro­duced Intel Centrino back in 2003, there were very few Wi-Fi hotspots, YouTube videos and social media didn’t really exist, ‘thin and light’ only referred to weight goals and desk­top PCs out­sold note­books by a very wide mar­gin,” said Mooly Eden, Intel cor­po­rate vice pres­i­dent and gen­eral man­ager of the company’s Mobile Platforms Group. “Today, note­books out­sell desk­tops in the U.S, and we’re paving the way to HD enter­tain­ment, rich online gam­ing, faster broad­band wire­less speeds and an eas­ier and more secure way for busi­nesses to man­age, update and repair their note­book fleets.”
toshiba pa3450u-1bas battery:
Cell Type:Li-ion
Cells:6 cell
Product ID:LN021
Dimensions:207.00x60.10x20.45 mm
Condition: brand new,replacement,100% OEM compatible

